Politiek & Maatschappij

Venezuela: democratic solutions to the crisis

26 mei 2019

Auteur: Maja Haanskorf

Venezuela: democratic solutions to the crisis

Venezuela is passing through a period of acute political, economic and social chaos. Once one of the driving powers behind the new Latin American left, the economy has collapsed and there is a shortage of food and medicine.
What structural or historical factors have caused the current situation? Is there a peaceful and democratic way out of the crisis?With speakers:

  • Edgardo Lander: TNI fellow, retired professor at the Central University in Caracas and spokesperson of the independent Citizens Platform in Venezuela.
  • Daniel Chavez: TNI fellow, researcher and author of the book The New Latin American Left.
  • Rachel Rumai Diaz: feminist/performer.
  • Datum: 6 juni 2019
    Tijd: 20.00 – 22.00 uur (zaal open 19.30 uur)
    LocatieDesmet Studio’s Amsterdam
    Entrée: gratis, donatie is welkom
    Voertaal: Engels
    Transnational Institute (TNI)

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