Kunst & Cultuur

Literatuurlijst Jamaica

28 november 2022

Rivke Jaffe (samensteller)


Tim Barringer and Wayne Modest, eds. (2018) Victorian Jamaica. Duke University Press.

Anthony Harriott (2008) Organized Crime and Politics in Jamaica: Breaking the Nexus. University of West Indies Press.

Rivke Jaffe (te verschijnen 2023 of 2024) Bodies of Authority: Criminal Leaders and Political Legitimacy in Urban Jamaica. Duke University Press.

Diana Paton and Matthew J. Smith, eds. (2021) The Jamaica Reader: History, Culture, Politics. Duke University Press.

Orlando Patterson (2019) The confounding island: Jamaica and the postcolonial predicament. The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.

Jovan Scott Lewis (2020) Scammer’s Yard: The Crime of Black Repair in Jamaica. University of Minnesota Press.

Deborah A. Thomas (2019) Political Life in the Wake of the Plantation: Sovereignty, Witnessing, Repair. Duke University Press.



Colin Channer, ed. (2012) Kingston Noir. Akashic Books.

Marlon James (2014) A Brief History of Seven Killings. Riverhead Books (Man Booker Prize 2015, Nederlands: Een beknopte geschiedenis van zeven moorden, Lebowski 2015).

Diana McCaulay (2010) Dogheart. Peepal Tree Press.

Kei Miller (2016) Augustown. Pantheon.

Kerry Young (2011) Pao. Bloomsbury.

Deze bijdrage is onderdeel van de Jamaica Special, november-december 2022

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